17/07: Sossusvlei (Namibia)

Posted by on July 20, 2011

After completely packing the car again (we took everything out for the car wash), we left Swakopmund. Our next destination: Sossusvlei, about 430km of which 400km of gravel roads. What a drive, driving 80-90 km/h on gravel roads for 400km. Sossusvlei is a valley in the middle of the desert. It is only reachable by driving on gravel roads. The roads are not bad, just lots of rocks. The only thing you hear while driving is rocks clashing underneath your car. It is nice that you can drive an hour without seeing another car. There’s even a few mountain passes, all with amazing views.

We arrived around 14h in our camp: Sesriem camp; the only camping site within the Sossusvlei park gates. This means that we can go into the park before sunrise to look at the beautiful coloured dunes.

After putting up the tent at our huge private camp spot, we drove into the park towards Dune 45; a massive dune on the way to the actual Sossusvlei itself. We climed the dune and enjoyed the amazing views. Afterwards we also visited Sesriem canyon, a big canyon within the main gates.

Tomorrow we will try to get at Dune 45 around 7h to enjoy the sunrise. After that we will drive to Sossusvlei. The last 5km we will have to do in a 4×4 taxi because the roads there are extremely sandy. After that we will move on to Duwisib Castle; a big castle in the middle of the desert only 160km from here where will camp 1 night before heading to Lüderitz.

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