03/07: Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe)

Posted by on July 3, 2011

The previous night we woke up several times because of the cold nights in Zimbabwe. Luckily we’re staying in a tent with normal beds, so we at least have the comfort of sleeping in a bed.

In the morning we left early to visit the Victoria Falls. The entrance fee is quite high ($30 a person), so as all the entrances fees in Zimbabwe. We first saw the statue of Livingstone and then walked along the falls. The water levels are at its highest, so the falls are really amazing to see. All you can hear is water flowing at insane speeds, combined with awesome views and plenty of rainbows. The walk along the falls is very nice but after a few hundred metres you have to start wearing raincoats as you get really wet when just walking there. It’s terrible to take pictures as you camera gets wet so easily. But we were able to take some very nice photographs of the falls. After only 2 hours we completed the tour and went for another one till the middle of the walkway.

After that we headed back to the rest camp and went for a walk through the town and the open air craft market where we bought some small curios. It’s really annoying that there are so many people next to the roads trying to push you into buying some stupid curios or asking for old t-shirts. They just can’t leave you alone.
Tomorrow we’ll just relax a bit in the rest camp and we might even have a swim in the swimming pool.

One Response to 03/07: Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe)

  1. Jana

    Ziet er echt prachtig uit!
    Liefs Jana

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