25/06: Vilanculos (Mozambique)

Posted by on June 25, 2011

Today we woke up early. We packed all our camping stuff and left on or way to Vilanculos. It was a 4 hour trip. We continued our trip the EN1 northwards. Again there was a lot to see next to the road; little villages, people driving on bicycles, children playing, women doing their laundry or fetching water at the central village tap …

When we arrived in Vilanculos we looked for “Beach Village”; the place where we were going to stay. Very soon it was obvious that it wouldn’t be easy to get there. Most of the roads in Vilanculos are sand roads, even almost that sandy as the beach. And off course we got stuck because our car isn’t made to drive on these kinds of roads. We were lucky that a lot of children came to us and started pushing the car. We got out of the sand and eventually we got at the “Beach Village”. We hope we will still get out of here on Tuesday.

The “Beach Village” is a very nice place. We have a nice little house almost on the beach. It is beautiful here. The view is unbelievable and we are really enjoying it.

Tomorrow we will go to Bazaruto Archipelago where we will do some snorkelling.

Mozambique is such a beautiful country!

One Response to 25/06: Vilanculos (Mozambique)

  1. kristin

    howla, die foto’s zien eruit gelijk echte plaatjes! geweldig mooi daar, echt vakantie! hopelijk geraken jullie uit het zand daar ja… want hoe mooi het ook is, soms heb je gewoon zin om weer verder te gaan eh…
    geniet er nog van!

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