The adventure will begin tomorrow!

Posted by on June 19, 2011

Hi everyone!

Today is our last day in Bela Bela in South Africa. We packed our bags and we loaded the car.

Only sleeping one more time and we are beginning our big trip! Tomorrow morning we will leave Bela Bela at 5h00 and we will be on our way to Mozambique. We hope not to spend a lot of time at the border in Mozambique and be soon in Maputo. We hope to still have some time in Maputo to visit some things tomorrow. In Maputo we will stay in Palmeiras Guesthouse. Maputo is the capital city of Mozambique. In Maputo we will go to local (craft) markets and we will have a taste of the Portuguese African life style where everything is a bit slower. We won’t forget to taste some of the nice fish (prawns, crayfish, sole , etc.) which Mozambique has to offer. Off course we will also have a swim in the Indian Ocean, known for its warm water. After Maputo we will go to Xai-Xai in Mozambique.

We cannot wait to begin our big adventure!

You will hear from us whenever we got Internet.

Drukkies & baie soentjies,

Hanne & Jan

2 Responses to The adventure will begin tomorrow!

  1. Roeland


    allemaal goei ginder? K zie da ge terug naar ons belgenlandje ga komen!
    Geniet van uw laatste weken ginder, maak er een leuke reis van en als ge terug zijt moete we allemaal maar es ene gaan drinken eh =)


  2. Johan & Eva Adams

    Off you go! Hope you came across the Mozambique border ok! Do you know how much envy goes in that. We so wish we could make it along.

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